01993 776277 | office@vlu.org.uk
Monday – Friday 9am – 1pm

About Us

Volunteer Link Up is the Volunteer Centre for West Oxfordshire. Our aim is to connect volunteers with people and organisations that need help. We have three main areas of work:


We help people live independently in their own homes by providing:

Transport to medical appointments

A befriending service, offering companionship and help with errands.

Help with practical tasks, such as simple DIY and gardening.

Good Neighbour Schemes

We support the Good Neighbour Scheme Network across Oxfordshire.


You can volunteer with us as a driver, befriender or to help out with practical tasks. We are currently looking for volunteers across all our services. Please get in touch if you think you can help. To find out more email office@vlu.org.uk or call us on 01993 776277.

We can also advise on volunteering with other organisations and help you find a organisation that matches your interests and skills.