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What should volunteering look like in 2032?
NCVO, Volunteering Matters, NAVCA, AVM and Sport England are all part of the Vision for Volunteering, which has launched today, Friday, May 6th.
Over the past year, hundreds of people and organisations have joined workshops and interviews, or submitted evidence for the Vision, which looks at how to ensure volunteering can continue to have an amazing impact across our communities. The Vision sets out what is needed to create a diverse, innovative, sustainable, ambitious, and person-centred future for volunteering in England, responding to the trends, challenge, and opportunities of the years ahead.
Go to Vision for Volunteering to read the Vision.
At the heart of the Vision for Volunteering are five key themes:
In each of these, the Vision sets out ambitions for what volunteering should look like and how this will make volunteers feel about their roles, by 2032. The Vision also includes a section considering how to define volunteering, a discussion of how volunteering is changing and evolving, and a description of how the Vision was developed.