01993 776277 | office@vlu.org.uk
Monday – Friday 9am – 1pm


We offer three services for people of any age and ability living in West Oxfordshire. All our volunteers have a current Disclosure and Barring Service check.  We also take up two personal references.  Volunteers follow our procedures to ensure, as far as possible,  the safety of the people they help. The help we can give is entirely dependent upon the availability of a suitable volunteer.


If you aren’t able to drive yourself or if public transport is difficult for you, our volunteer drivers will take you to your important appointments. We prioritise medical and dental appointments but we can we can also assist you to visit loved ones in care homes and to go shopping. Mileage expenses are charged to cover the cost of petrol, which are paid direct to the driver. Drivers use their own cars.

To request transport call us on 01993 776277 or send an email to us at office@vlu.org.uk


If you are feeling isolated or lonely our befrienders will visit you for company and conversation. Befrienders can also help you with sorting post and other small administrative tasks. If you prefer, they can just talk with you over the phone. We’ll match you with a volunteer based on the kind of support you’d like, taking into account where you both live and your common interests.

To talk to us about befriending call us on 01993 776277 or send an email to us at office@vlu.org.uk

Practical Tasks

Our volunteers will help you with those jobs around the house and garden that can make all the difference to your day-to-day life. It might be changing a light bulb, re-tuning the television, lawn mowing, weeding, general tidying in the garden or small DIY jobs that don’t take long but make life a lot easier. Please note, our volunteers don’t do cleaning, ironing or personal care.

If you need help with tasks around the house or garden, call us on 01993 776277 or send an email to us at office@vlu.org.uk